Список публикаций по лазерной медицине.

1. Aleksandrov M.T., Kuvekina O.A., Myaskovsky A.V., Pospelov A.Yu., Rogatkin D.A., Timoshkina M.N., Tchernyi V.V. Biophotometric methods in medicine / Preprint. RSMC Laser Medicine, Moscow, 1992. 28p.

2. Pospelov A.Yu., Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. Diffraction methods in the theory of photometric devices /Preprint. Volgograd State University, No.11-93, 1993. 26p.

3. Pospelov A.Yu., Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. Mathematical background for the construction of the medical biophotometer / Preprint. Volgograd State University. No.12-93, 1992. 16p.

4. Cherny V.V, Aleksandrov M.T., Rogatkin D.A., Pospelov A. Yu., and Tsurtsumiya V.L. Electromagnetic Mapping of the Human Body Surface In the Visible Range. - PIERS 1995 Conference, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

5. Aleksandrov M.T., Barybin V.F., Barybin M.V., Moiseeva L.G., Rogatkin D.A., Trushin A.I., Tcherkasova V.A., Tchernyi V.V., Undeev D.N. Applications of the modern biospectrophotometric laser diagnostic for clinical practice / Proc. “Laser applications for diagnostic and treatments”. Science-Inform Proc. (Bulletin “Laser-Inform”). Laser Association. Moscow. 1996. P.31-33.

6. Rogatkin D.A., Moiseeva L.G. and Tchernyi V.V. The rough surface scattering approach as the theoretical basis of up-to-date goniophotometry. PIERS 1997 Intern. Conference, Pap. No. 2-17-05-02, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 1997.

7. Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. Methodical rules for “Design and use of laser medical equipment”. Specialty: laser medical equipment. Moscow. UGEM, 1996. 25p.

8. Moiseeva L.G., Barybin V.F., Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. Development of method and equipment for diagnostic in clinic of biophotometer / Proc. Conf. “New directions in laser in medicine”. Moscow, Nov. 26-27, 1996.

9. Rogatkin D.A., Moiseeva L.G., Barybin V.F., Tchernyi V.V. Modern method of laser clinical biophotometry. Part 1. Introduction to biophotomentry. Methods and equipment. Moscow, VISTI, 1997. 55p

10. Malov S.N., Malov A.N., Tchernyi V.V. Physics background for laser therapy. Preprint 2. Irkutsk, Institute of laser physics, 1997. 45p.

11. Rogatkin D.A., Svirin V.N., Tchernyi V.V. Noninvasive laser diagnostic as science-research program for a new direction of medical physics of the next century / Proc. 2-nd Intern. Congress “Lasers and health – 99”, Dec. 8-10, 1999. Moscow, Techniques. P. 512-513.

12. Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. Low intensity laser therapy. The view of physist on mechanism of action and application’s experience // Pros, 2-nd Baikal’s school on phundamental physics. Irkutsk, ISU. 1999. P. 366-378.

13. Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. Mathematical model for noninvasive laser diagnostic in medicine / Proc. “Interaction of radiation with the matter”. Proc. 2-nd Baikal’s school on fundamental physics. Irkutsk, ISU. 1999. P. 197-199.

14. Rogatkin D.A., Svirin V.N., Tchernyi V.V. Problems of accuracy of the laser clinical fluorescence diagnostics and the ways to unify technique / Abstr. book of Intern. Conf. of Biomed. Opt., January 2000, San Jose, USA.

15. Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. Mathematical simulation as a key point of the laser fluorescence diagnostic technique in oncolo­gy / Laser Use in Oncology II // SPIE Proc., Pap. N10, v.4059, 2000. P.73-78.

16. Rogatkin D.A., Svirin V.N., Tchernyi V.V. Problems of theoretical calculation of the laser light distribution in biological tissues // SPIE Proc., v.4162, 2000. P. 189-193.

17. Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. The laser light diffraction from large and rough metal sphere / Proc. of Int. PIERS’2000 Conf., Cambridge, USA, 2000, p.450.

18. Svirin V.N., Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. Laser Medical Diagnostics as a new branch of the Next Century / Abstr. Book of the Intern. Congress of the Medical Physics, Chicago, 2000. – p.1414.

19. Rogatkin D., Svirin V., Tchernyi V. The laser noninvasive complex diagnostic technique as a new branch of clinical diagnostics of the next century / Abstr. Book of IX Ann. Int. Laser physics workshop LPHYS’2000, post. N5.7. Bordeaux, France, 2000.

20. Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. Electromagnetic scattering on randomly rough surfaces as a boundary task in the problem of light propagation in biotissues / Abstr. Book of Intern. Conf. LPHYS’01, Moscow, July, 2001. P.156.

21. Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. Scattering of electromagnetic waves by rough surfaces as a part of interaction of laser light with biotissues // Proc. SPIE, vol. 4617, 2002. P. 257-266.

22. Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V., Dybov V.A. Spectrophotometric noninvasive technique for clinical diagnostic application - Abstr. Book of Europ. Conf. On Biomedical Optics, SPIE, Munich, 2003. - p.17.

23. Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. The way to universal and correct medical presentation of diagnostic informations for complex spectrophotometry noninvasive medical diagnostic systems - Proc. SPIE “Optical tomography and spectroscopy of tissue V”, vol. 4955, 2003. - p. 554-558.

24. Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. About one lemma in light scattering theory. – Abstr. Book of the Int. Conf. “PIERS’2003”, PIERS Soc., Washington, 2003. p. 14.

25. Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. On one simple and analytical photon-migration solution in 1-D light scattering theory and its consequences for the laser medical diagnostic problems / Proc. SPIE, v.5319, 2004. – pp. 418-425.

26. Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. Scattering of the transmitted light by randomly rough dielectric surface / Abstr. Book of the Int. Conf. “PIERS’2005” - PIERS Soc., Washington, 2005. - p. 23.

27. Rogatkin D.A., Tchernyi V.V. Scattering of the transmitted light by randomly rough dielectric surface / PIERS Online, vol.1, No. 6, 2005. – pp. 686-690.

28. Tchernyi V.V., Rogatkin D.A., Bychenkov O.A., Polyakov P.Yu. Some results of multiwave in situ autofluorescence diagnostics / Proc. SPIE, vol. 5693, 2005. – pp. 336-343.

29. Tchernyi V.V., Rogatkin D.A., Gorenkov R.V., Karpov V.N., Shumskiy V.I., Lubchenko P.N. Complex noninvasive spectrophotometry in examination of patients with vibration disease // Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics II / SPIE Proc., 2006, v.6078. – pp.363-370.

30. Tchernyi V.V., Rogatkin D.A., Bychenkov O.F., Lapaeva L.G. Instrumentation and Metrology for in Vivo Laser Diagnostics in Medicine. SPIE Conf., San Diego, CA., Aug. 2-6, 2009. SPIE Proc., 2009. Paper 7457-21.

31. Kapranov S.V., Kouzaev G.A., Tchernyi (Cherny) V.V. Characterization of microwave radiometers and study of human body radiation by means of state space reconstruction algorithms. International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. Febr. 2013, Vol. 8, No. 1. Pp. 203-223.

32. Александров М.Т., Иванов С.В., Цурцумия В.Л., Черный В.В. Лазерная установка для обработки твердых тканей зуба и коагуляции. Тезисы областн. Научн-техн конф. Применение лазеров и магнитов в биологии и медицине. Ростов–Дон, РГУ, 1983. С. 136.