Статьи о новой теории происхождения колец Сатурна (касается миссии НАСА Кассини, 2004-2018), включая приглашенные выступления в университетах и СМИ

Papers and Conferences:

1. Pospelov A.Yu., Tchernyi V.V. Electromagnetic properties material forecast in the planet rings by the methods of functionally physical analysis. Proc. Intern. Scientific-Methodological Conf. “Innovative Design in Education, Techniques and Technologies”. Volgograd State Technical University. Volgograd, Russia. 1995. Pp. 75-77.

2. Pospelov A. Yu., Tchernyi V. V., Girich S.V. Planet’s rings: super-diamagnetic model and new course of investigations. Proceedings of SPIE 42nd Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. July 27- Aug. 1, 1997. “Small spacecraft, Space Environment and Instrumentation Technologies”. 1997. V. 3116. No. 15. Pp. 117-128.

3. Pospelov A.Yu., Tchernyi V.V., Girich S.V., Korendovich V.V. Superdiamagnetic model of planetary rings. Electrodynamics and Techniques of HF and SWF. Moscow, Russia. 1997. V. 5. No. 3. P. 248-262.

4. Tchernyi V.V., Pospelov A.Yu., Girich S.V. Studies on the rings of Saturn. The Academy for Future Science. P.O. Box FE, Los Gatos, CA 95031, USA. 1998. http://www.affs.org/html/studies on the rings of Saturn.html

5. Pospelov A.Yu., Tchernyi V.V., Girich S.V. Planetary rings: new mission concept. Kona, HW: SPIE International Symposiumon Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation. March 20-28, 1998. No. 132.

6. Pospelov A.Yu., Tchernyi V.V., Girich S.V. Possible explanation of the planet’s rings behavior in the radio and mm-wave range via superdiamagnetic model. Kona, HW: SPIE International Symposiumon Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation. March 20-28, 1998. No. 73.

7. Pospelov A.Yu., Tchernyi V.V., Girich S.V. Possible explanation of the planet’s rings behavior in the radio and mm-wave rang via superdiamagnetic model // International Aerospace Abstracts of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. January 1999. No. 1. P. A99-10781.

8. Pospelov A.Yu., Tchernyi V.V., Girich S.V. Superdiamagnetic model of planetary rings behavior in the millimeter and submullimeter range. Digest 3465 – 4th International Conference on MM and SMM Waves and Applications. San Diego, CA: Proc. SPIE 43 Annual International Symposium. July 20-23, 1998. San Diego, CA. 1998. P. 172-173.

9. Girich S.V., Pospelov A.Yu., Tchernyi V.V. Radar data explanation via superdiamagnetic model of the Saturn’s rings. Annual Report of the AAS. 30th Meeting Division of Planetary Science. Madison, WI. Oct. 11-16, 1998. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. 1998. V. 30. No. 3. P. 1043.

10. Pospelov A.Yu., Tchernyi V.V., Girich S.V. Anomalous inversion of polarization of icy satellites and Saturn’s rings: superdiamagnetic model. Proceedings 44th SPIE Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. July 18-23 1999. “Polarization: measurements, analysis and remote sensing II”. 1999. V. 3754. P. 329-333.

11. Pospelov A.Yu., Tchernyi V.V., Girich S.V. Are Saturn’s rings superconducting? Progress in electromagnetic research symposium (PIERS). July 5-14, 2000. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2000. P. 1158.

12. Pospelov A.Yu., Tchernyi V.V., Girich S.V. What data could confirm Saturn’s rings superconductivity? SPIE conference on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation. Munich, Germany. March 27-31, 2000. No. 4015-67.

13. Pospelov A.Yu., Tchernyi V.V. Magnetic levitation of Saturn’s rings. Progress in electromagnetic research symposium (PIERS). July 5-14, 2002. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2002. C. 135.

14. Tchernyi V.V., Pospelov A.Yu. Possible role of space electromagnetism for Saturn’s rings existence. Progress in electromagnetic research symposium (PIERS). Oct. 13-16, 2003. Honolulu, Hawaii. 2003.

15. Tchernyi V.V., Pospelov A.Yu. Possible magnetic levitation of Saturn’s (planetary) rings. Pisa, Italy. Progress in electromagnetic research symposium (PIERS). March 28-31, 2004. No. P08.

16. Pospelov A.Yu., Tchernyi V.V. Space electromagnetism: modeling of magnetic levitation of superconducting Saturn rings. Progress in electromagnetic research symposium (PIERS). Hangzhou, China. August 22-26, 2005.

17 Tchernyi V.V., Pospelov A.Yu. Possible electromagnetic nature of the Saturn’s rings: superconductivity and magnetic levitation. Progress in electromagnetic research (PIER). Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2005. V. 52. P. 277-299. Doi: 10.2528/PIER04082801

18. Tchernyi V.V., Pospelov A.Yu. About possible electromagnetic nature of the planetary rings: magnetic levitation of superconducting rings of Saturn. Fizika volnovykh protzessov i radiotekhnicheskikh sistem (In Russian). 2005. V. 8. No. 2. Pp. 4-16.

19. Tchernyi V.V., Chensky E.V. Electromagnetic background for possible magnetic levitation of the superconducting rings of Saturn. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. EMW publishing. 2005. V. 19. No. 7. Pp. 987-995. Doi:10.1163/156939305775570440

20. Tchernyi V.V., Chensky E.V. Movements of the protoplanetary superconding particles in the magnetic field of Saturn lead to the origin of rings. IEEE Geoscience and remote sensing letters. 2005. V. 2. No. 4. P. 445-446. Corrections in: 2006. V. 3. No. 2. Doi:10.1109/LGRS.2006.872347

21. Tchernyi V.V. (Cherny). About possible role of electromagnetism and superconductivity for the origin of Saturn’s rings. Prikladnaya fizika (Applied Physics). 2006. No. 5. P. 10-16. (In Russian).

22. Tchernyi V.V. Responsibility of electromagnetism for the origin of the rings of Saturn from superconducting particles of the protoplanetary cloud. Progress in electromagnetic research symposium (PIERS). Tokyo, Japan. Aug. 2-5, 2006. 4P7.

23. Tchernyi V.V. (Cherny). Possible role of superconductivity and electromagnetism for the origin of the rings of Saturn. Proc. Intern. Conf. “Fundamental principles of engineering sciences”. Devoted to 90-years birthday of Nobel prize winner A.M. Prokhorov. Moscow. Oct. 25-27, 2006. Pp.257-259. (In Russian).

24. Tchernyi V.V., Pospelov A.Yu. About hypothesis of the superconducting origin of the Saturn’s rings // Astrophysics and space science. 2007. V. 307. No. 4. P. 347-356. Doi:10.1007/s10509-006-9054-7

25. Tchernyi V.V. To the glory of G. Galileo and J.K. Maxwell: electromagnetic modeling of the origin of Saturn’s rings from superconducting particles of the protoplanetary cloud. The 23 rd Annual review of progress in applied computational electromagnetics. Verona, Italy. March 19-23, 2007.

26. Tchernyi V.V. Origin of the Saturn rings: electromagnetic model of the sombrero rings formation. Book: Space Exploration Research. John H. Denis and Paul D. Aldridge (Eds.). Chapter 11. Pp.261-275. Hauppauge, NY, USA, Nova Science Publishers, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-60692- 264-4.

27. Tchernyi V.V. Origin of the Saturn rings: Electromagnetic Model of the Sombrero Rings Formation. Journal of Magnetohydrodynamics, Plasma and Space Research. 2010. Vol. 15. No. 1. Pp. 39-52.

28. Tchernyi V.V. Discovery of initial formation (origin) of the sombrero rings of Saturn: Role of electromagnetism. International Astronomical Union XXVII General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2009, August 3-14. IAU Symposium No. 263. Icy Bodies in the Solar System. Aug. 6.

29. Tchernyi V.V. Discovery of the Saturn rings origin: Possible separation and collision of the Saturn rings particles during its evolution based on electromagnetism International Astronomical Union XXVII General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009, August 3-14. IAU Symposium No. 263. Icy Bodies in the Solar System. Aug. 6.

30. Tchernyi V.V. About role of electromagnetism for the Saturn rings origin. COSPAR Assembly - 2010. 10-B06 Evolution of Planets and Evolution of Life. Bremen, Germany. July 18, 2010.

31. Tchernyi V.V. About separation and collision of the Saturn rings particles. COSPAR Assembly - 2010. 10-B06 Evolution of Planets and Evolution of Life. Bremen, Germany. July 18, 2010.

32. Tchernyi V.V. Origin of the Saturn Rings: Electromagnetic Model of the Sombrero Rings Formation. Book: Space Science Research Developments.  Jonathan C. Henderson and Jennifer M. Bradley (Eds.). Pp. 267-280. Hauppauge, NY, USA, Nova Science Publishers, 2011, 2nd quarter. ISBN: 978-1-61209-086-3

33. Vladimir V. Tchernyi (Cherny). Origin of the Saturn Rings: Electromagnetic Model of the Sombrero Rings Formation. Book:  New Developments in Magnetohydrodynamics, Plasma and Space Research. Stephen Talton and Patrick F. Theba (Eds.). Earth Science in the 21st century. Pp. 37-50. Hauppauge, NY, USA, Nova Science Publishers, 2012 1st quarter. ISBN: 978-1-61942-078-6

34. Cherny (Tchernyi) V.V. The Saturn rings origin: contribution of electromagnetism (to the unified theory of the origin of planetary rings). American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2013. V.1. No. 2. Pp. 15-22. Doi: 10.11648/j.ajaa.20130102.11

35. Tchernyi (Cherny) V.V. Could superconductivity contribute to the Saturn rings origin. Journal of Modern Physics. 2013. V. 4. No. 6A. Pp. 17-23. Doi: 10.4236/jmp.2013.46A005

36. Tchernyi V.V. About role of electromagnetism to the Saturn rings origin – to the unified theory of the planetary rings origin. International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2013. V. 3. No. 4. Pp. 412-420. DOI:10.4236/ijaa.2013.34049

37. Tchernyi (Cherny) V.V. New Electromagnetic Theory of the Origin of Saturn Rings From Superconducting Iced Particles of the Protoplanetary Cloud (The Unified Theory of the Planetary Rings Origin). Applied Physics Research. 2014. Vol. 6, No. 2, P. 56-62. doi:10.5539/apr.v6n2p56

38. Tchernyi V.V., Pospelov A.Yu. Modern Physics Solution of the Saturn Rings Origin Problem – Electromagnetism and Superconductivity (The Possibility of the Unified Theory of the Planetary Rings Origin). International Journal of Modern Physics and Application. 2015, Vol.2, № 5, P. 65-72

Superconductivity within interstellar space:

1. Tchernyi V.V., Kapranov S.V. Possible role of superconductivity for simplest life propagation within interstellar space by electromagnetic force of magnetic levitation // Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2005. V. 19. № 15. P. 1997-2006. DOI:10.1163/156939305775570440

2. Tchernyi V.V., Kapranov S.V. Is electromagnetic force a possible means for life transmission in the universe? // Progress in electromagnetic research symposium (PIERS). Hangzhou, China. 22-26 Aug. 2005.

3. Tchernyi V.V., Kapranov S.V. Contribution of superconductivity to possible interstellar propagation of organic molecules by electromagnetic way // Proc. 50th SPIE Annual Meeting. July 31-Aug. 4, 1999. San Diego, CA. Hoover R.B. et al. (Eds.). Astrobiology and planetary missions. SPIE, 2005. V. 5906.

To Theory of Superconductivity:

1. Belodedov M.V., Tchernyi (Cherny) V.V., Makhno P.V. About Magnetic Field Distribution in Granular Superconductors. PIERS, 2005. V. 1. No. 4. Pp. 408-410. Additional invited talks about New Theory of the Saturn’s Rings ORIGIN.

1. Astrophysics & Space Research Center. University of California, San Diego. August 1997.

2. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama. August 20, 1999.

3. EECS Department. University of California at Berkeley. Oct., 1999.

4. Institute for Astronomy, Honolulu, HW. Aug., 2002.

5. Department of Astronomy. Buenos Aires University at La Plata, Argentina. Dec. 18, 2004.

6. George Washington University (Washington, D.C.) and USA National Bureau of Standards. February 15, 2005.

7. RIA Novosti, Moscow, Russia. December 19, 2005. Mystery of Saturn's rings: a new hypothesis of scientists.

8. ITAR-TASS, Moscow, Russia, July 3, 2007. To 50 years of Russia’s Space Explorations.

9. The Main (Pulkovo) Observatory of Russian Academy of Science. Pulkovo, St.-Petersburg, October 11, 2007.

10. South Africa. Johannesburg. www.702.co.za/ Info on Air/ Redi Direko/ Decemeber 18, 2008/ Vladimir Tchernyi. The Mystery of Saturn rings.

11. South Africa. Radio Today 1485 AM & Выем Audio Channel 169. March 9, 2009. 21:00. Vladimir Tchernyi: The Nature of Saturn’s Rings.

12. Aleksandria University, Egypt. Lecture on the superconducting origin of the Saturn rings. January 20, 2009.

13. Владимир Черный (Vladimir Tchernyi). August 21, 2010. 9:05. Saturn rings origin.